Cairns Hydrovacs is the HYDROVAC EXCAVATION division of ADK. Hydro Blast Vacuum Excavation is a non-mechanical, non-destructive trench method to remove dirt without the risk of damaging existing underground services. ADK has been providing CAIRNS HYDROVACS since 2006.
Our friendly staff coordinate a fleet of sucker trucks to provide multiple solutions to your construction needs including; underground service locating of electrical, communication, water, sewer and gas lines; physical identifications of existing pipes and live services by potholing; trenching confined spaces or in extremely close proximity to live existing systems. We also excavate light pole footings; remove silt build up in sediment traps; dewater pits or manholes and clean gross pollutant traps or sediment bays.
ADK also provide Horizontal Directional Drilling, Underground Fibre Optic Circuits for Leading Mobile Data Service Providers, Communication and Electrical Ducting for New Estates and in Existing Road Reserves, UHP Blasting for Concrete Scabbling and Road Line Removals. Click on the OK ADK page for further explanations of ADK’s full capabilities.
Visit our You Tube Page Cairns Hydrovacs to improve your understanding of how the vacuum truck works and please contact ADK today for a free quote!